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Monday, October 17, 2011

To My Husband...

Mood:  in love...

Warning:  the following post will be sappy.

Husband - 

Today is our one month anniversary, annnnnnnd because we're super happens to be the seven month anniversary of our first date.

Happy anniversary!

I could tell you how I knew on our second date that I wanted to marry you.  Watching Paul with you, laughing, holding your all felt so natural.  I could tell you that meeting your son for the first time was one of the most humbling moments of my entire life.  I could tell you how I fell in love with your smile the second I saw it.  I could tell you that you are always a gentleman and I love that you always open doors for me.  I could tell you that I love how you always reach for my hand.  How you hold me when we sleep.  I could tell you how I will never get tired of the look you get in your eyes when you look at me (even if I'm singing!) and I'll always love the way we can hold 5 conversations at once.

But you already know these things.

In reality there is very little that I can write here that you don't know.  I suppose that's a byproduct of having 5 conversations at once:  a lot gets said!

What I'll write here instead is that this past month has been without a doubt some of the most fun I've ever had in my entire life.  Our wedding could not have been more perfect (even with it getting moved indoors and all).  Seeing our families together and knowing we had the support there was such a humbling and truly amazing feeling.  Taking my first adult vacation with a significant other as our honeymoon was fantastic.  Being on water with you for 5 days just relaxing, sitting on our deck talking, walking around the islands...I couldn't have asked for a more perfect honeymoon (thanks mom and dad CB!!!).  

I'll write how I still get excited when I know you're on your way home from work.  How I still get first date butterflies sometimes.  I'll tell you how sometimes I lie awake in bed listening to you breath deeply and wonder how I got this insanely lucky.  How I love every single thing about you, how I know some of your past, and I trust in all of our future.

On the one month anniversary of the day we said "I do," I want you to know that I cannot wait to see what next month brings, and the month after that, and the year after that...

I look forward to waking up next to you each morning and I can't wait till we're cuddled up in front of the tv watching our shows before bed.

You are by no means a perfect man, but you couldn't be more perfect for me.  

I don't know what our future holds...but I promise you that it will be full of laughs, awesome tv shows, maybe zombies, and definitely happiness.  

I love you so much husband!  

Thank you for loving me.

Happy one month!


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