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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sick Day

Mood:  hopeful

I took today off.  I called and said exactly what's wrong with me:  I'm not me today.  I haven't been in over a week.  And I hate it.  I hate feeling as if I'm stuck in some kind of fog.  Like I'm living a version of my own life...but not as myself.

I'm a pretty happy person.  Dramatic?  Definitely.  Sad?  At times.  I struggle with depression and anxiety, but it's been quite some time since I've just thrown my hands up and admitted surrender to the depression.  I used to be angry all the time.  Harboring resentment and nasty feelings.  It made me feel nasty and angry at myself.

So I started my old blog, the one where I wrote about doing at least ONE nice thing a day for myself.  I've continued to do those nice things...until lately. husband has been the one picking up the slack in the being nice to Ashley department.  I've been busy being furiously angry and heart breakingly sad.  

I woke up this morning crying.  Pressed into Jeff's arms I struggled to breathe normally, to stop crying, and to get out of the bed.  I showered.  My chest felt as though a house was on top of it.  And I couldn't go any further than that shower.  I called my boss.  I sent texts to coworkers.  I drove Jeff to work and did grocery shopping.  And then I stopped.

I have written in my journal.  I've done laundry.  I attempted a nap.  I've listened to some music.  Defragged my computer.  Screwed around on Pinterest.  And that's what I needed to do today.  I needed a day where the only pressure or schedule I had involved making sure I got Jeff to and from work...and that we get to eat tonight.  I really went above and beyond with all that laundry *note sarcasm*

And here's the nicest thing I've done all day.  I've set my mind to stopping the sad.  The issues causing the feelings won't disappear.  But I refuse to let myself mope around for one more day.  Jeff and I are newlyweds...that's trickier than we thought...but still amazing.  There are constant stresses that are so seemingly insignificant but laundry piles up...groceries disappear.  Between the everyday chaos, working with 2 year olds, and trying to find balance in an already completely new lifestyle (wife, stepmother, living in a totally new place...) I just wasn't ready to handle the really huge family stresses that came my way.  I'm not sure how I would handle things differently should this happen again...but I do know that attempting to take it all on and feel like I had to do it myself (even when Jeff was offering all the help in the world) was dumb.  And once I let him help me...well...I was too far gone to function.  

So, after today, I'm done not being Ashley.  For a while anyway.  Will I still be sad?  Of course.  But tomorrow morning when I wake up...I won't be crying.  I'll get out of bed and shower and laugh.  I'll drive to work and have amazing conversations with Jeff instead of him having to ask if I'm okay...and figuring out how to handle the inevitable "no" that follows.  

I know I won't succeed every single step of the way.  And I know I'll slip back into sad.  But tomorrow I'm going to work with a renewed love of teaching the kids.  I'm going back smiling instead of trying to hide.  I'm going back as the Ms. Ashley that the kids know and love.  And I'm coming home to dinner with my husband to watch a Bulls game and not constantly worry about everything.  I'm going to live the best...and happiest...that I can from second to second.

*pardon the crazy eyes....I got my eye make-up done for a date night look with pink last night at Sephora and wanted to make sure I could see how to redo it...but since I'm smiling and I love pink....that's the me I will be again tomorrow! Find something to smile about yourself!

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