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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hello, My Name is....

Current Mood:  blissfully happy...and exhausted

...Ashley....and here goes...

If you followed me here from my old blog, thank you.

If you randomly found this blog and decided to read it, again, thank you.  

I've been blogging on and off for about 2 years.  Only the last year has been with any consistency or regularity and I have to say that it has been truly humbling to watch my words impact change in myself and others.  

So here's a little about  me if you haven't read my blogs before:

I write about things that I do everyday.  Like pretty much every other blogger.  I'm not a food blogger.  I have very few crafting tips, and I certainly am not a major fashion blogger.  I love make-up but am sadly NOT an expert, and I honestly blog for personal fulfillment.  

My last blog was a challenge to myself to see how often I could do "nice" things for myself.  Once said thing had been done, I would blog about it...sometimes adding photographic evidence of me being nice to me.

The philosophy behind the blog is simple.  For a lot of us right now, life is hard.  We're facing massive economic uncertainty, a war torn world, injustice, intolerance, and a myriad of personal struggles.  With all of this on our hearts on a daily basis, how do we go about finding some peace?  How do we live in joy?  How can we manage to smile knowing there are teenagers dying over being bullied?  There are people who have never tasted clean water.  There are children for whom an education is quite literally only in their dreams.  

We start small.  We acknowledge we live in an uncomfortable world.  We don't forget the faces, the names, the stories...but we also don't forget to live our own lives.  

What feels like a life-time ago I worked in long-term care.  I once held the hand of a dying resident.  She took her last breath while I was in the room with her.  I remember crying to my mother, and telling her how hard the process had been for me.  I become so obsessed with her dying that the next few days all I could think was "why bother?"  Everything seemed so insignificant compared to the weight of life.  And I remember my mother telling me that the best testament to a life lost, is a life well lived.

A few months later I started my "nice" things blog.  Things sucked.  Life will end one day.  And I needed a reminder that just because the previous two statements are true doesn't mean that I can't be happy.  And that I can't live a good life.  In fact, if anything, it means that I NEED to live a good life.  A happy life.  A life full of living simply, loving, learning, and being open to opportunities as they come.

Which brings me to this new blog.

8 months into writing my blog about taking chances, allowing myself to live, and taking good care of myself I met the man to whom I am now married.  Granted, it's only been 8 days of marriage, but they've been some incredibly amazing days (it doesn't hurt that 5 of them were spent in the Caribbean...).

It seemed fitting to me that with a new man (men really...he comes with a son!!!!), a new name, and a new location...a new blog was in order.  

I have no idea what this blog will be.  A little bit of food.  A little bit of crafting.  A little bit of fashion and make-up.  A little bit of thought.  But mostly, this blog will chronicle my journey into married life.  Into motherhood (I'm learning as I go).  This blog is a blog about loving my life, the people in it, the simple things, and the lessons life teaches you if you are open to learning.

My last blog was a lesson in humility, and I have no doubt that this one will be the same.  But I don't want to limit this blog into one category or niche.  It's a blog about life...aren't they all? 

It's a blog about my life.  

Welcome.  And enjoy!

And as my photographic evidence of doing nice things, a little preview from the honeymoon!

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