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Friday, December 16, 2011

Bah Humbug...

Mood: that's too strong, for it is my favorite holiday......

It's Friday evening.  I feel old knowing that the thing I'm most excited about tonight is sleep.  Being completely honest, if I weren't being a stepmother, I'd most likely be in bed at this second...and yes it's before 7:00.  I've worked another 40+ hour week.  I'm fighting another cold (thank you Iowa for your season indecision and kids with your snotty noses...) and I'm currently surfing the crimson wave (I have always wanted to use that line from Clueless).  It most likely goes without saying that I'm not in a good mood.  

I'm in a decidedly foul mood.  I currently hate myself for a million reasons that I've just made up in my head and I am so tired that I'm honestly having a hard time seeing straight without things blurring up.  It's close to a week away from Christmas and I haven't sent out my family's box.  I haven't even finished shopping for my family.  And I know they don't care about the gifts...but I do.  It matters to me.  I haven't wrapped a single gift and I'm not sure when I'll have the time to.  I haven't slept well in at least 3 nights and I'm currently going on hour 7 without food.  

The thing that is making me most upset?  I can't turn off the racing thoughts.  I can't shut my own head up.  No matter what I scream at myself in my brain, no matter how many deep breaths I take, no matter how many silent prayers I lift...I CAN'T STOP.  Ever.  For the last two weeks it's been nonstop, incessant chatter in my head.  Things I've left undone ranging from laundry to finishing my seminary degree.  Things that may or may not be in my control. Things that...well you get the idea.

I've been wanting to blog all week.  I keep putting it off.  Why do today what can be done tomorrow, right?  I hate blogging when I'm in a bad mood cause I want this blog to reflect my "happily ever after."  But tonight I realized that every single happy ending isn't all happy, is it?  Maybe for Walt Disney it was...and that makes for a great movie or story or theme park...but every real marriage and relationship and "happily ever after" that I know has bad days.  Hell...the Bible has some REALLY nasty days.  So I figure if I'm going to write about my marriage and my life then only writing when happy does both my readers and myself a disservice.  It's not fair to pretend to be happy all the time for anyone.  And I'm not unhappy...just having a rough time lately.  It's my first Christmas away from family...and my first Christmas first Christmas as a (step)mom but it'll have to be spent without the's dark and's long hours at's stressful work...but I'm not unhappy.  In fact I am indeed very happy.  It's all just a very bittersweet happy I suppose.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow at the Aveda Institute...which I LOVED the last time I was there.  Hopefully getting my hair colored and trimmed will help me to just completely zone out.  To shut myself up and turn off my brain, even if only for an hour or two.  To just allow myself some "me" time.  To be pampered and to REALLY feel as good on the inside as I know I should and do...if that even makes sense....

May you be experiencing a joyous holiday season...and may you take time to find the still and quiet in the midst of the noise and the hurry

1 comment:

  1. Love you sweetie and please know that I have been right where you are. It doesn't matter that you love the husband and the step-son, it doesn't matter that your Iowa in-laws are awesome... What matters is that you are homesick and that is okay. Those first few years without the extended family were very difficult for me but without being willing to separate from my family's traditions we would never have developed the ones you are currently missing! Hang in there and thanks for being honest! I love you.
