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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm Fine

Mood:  eh....

Today was rough.  It was the first day that I've had to be up at 5:30am since last Thursday...and that is quite an unhappy time for Ashley.  I considered calling in to work after a rather upset stomach but decided that since it was only a 4 day week I should head in.  

Work wasn't bad...and I do love spending time with the any position there are pros and cons.  I'd like to think that there is that ONE job or career or position that will make me 100% happy all of the time...but I know that no matter how much I love what I'm doing there will always be negatives.  And I really truly do love what I am doing right now.  Being a preschool teacher is rewarding in ways that I never thought possible from working in a daycare. I always assumed it was like glorified babysitting.  That couldn't be farther from what I do everyday.  And I couldn't be happier that that's the case.

Anyway.  Work today.  Getting back into the routine won't be easy for either myself or the kids, but it'll happen.  And like I said it wasn't a bad day, but it wasn't particularly a good day either.  Jeff picked me up from work and we headed to the grocery store, which was just about as stressful as the almost 9 hours of work.  But I was in a good mood by the time we finished dinner and started hanging out together.  Fortunately for me, Jeff has the awesome ability to calm me down and cheer me up just by being near me.  

While watching How I Met Your Mother and checking my facebook, I decided I'd check out my old account.  The one I created during my time as a Christian Ed. director.  

I've written before that when I'm feeling upset, especially if I can't really identify a reason, I like to "pick the scab."  I like to do things that I know will upset me.  I don't know exactly why.  Maybe cause I know I have pent up emotions and I want them out.  Maybe cause I'm just mean to myself some days, who knows?  So tonight as I read through my old account, I looked at the profile of the current Christian Ed. director.  Well, the one she set up for the church.  

I knew they had one.  I found that out quite a few months ago.  She shares my name.  She sits at my old desk, she mentors "my" kids.  I was brokenhearted when I found out that they had hired a new CE director.  It served to reinforce that the people I worked with and for, didn't value my opinion in the least.  

And that hurts.  It hurt me for a whole year...and I feel like I should be past it but...I'm not.  I know that I miss having a title.  And I know that I miss having my own office.  I miss the feeling that I had a position that my parents could be proud of.  Education was stressed in my family.  Get educated, get a good job, make money, be happy.  That's pretty much what I thought would happen.  I have the college degree.  I have 2/3 of my graduate degree...I missed the good job part though.  And with that came the money.  

The dumbest thing about being sad about missing an office and the title is that I may have missed the money...but I'm happy.  And isn't that what we all REALLY want in life?  I mean,  I have a wonderful husband who I honestly just enjoy sitting next to.  I have a great and welcoming family in Iowa.  I have a supportive and awesome family in PA who never cared about titles or positions and are proud of me no matter what.  I have a fantastic (step)son who makes me smile just by breathing.  And I do have a job I like.  Very much.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to reconcile to myself that it's okay to be happy where you are at.  It's okay to want more and be ambitious.  But it's dangerous to get caught up in all of the "coulds" and "shoulds" of life.  If I had my Master of Divinity I would most likely not be sitting next to the most amazing man (besides my father) that I've ever met.  If I had stayed in my position as CE director I'd be burning through anxiety meds faster than they could be prescribed as the stress I felt just walking into the church made me physically ill.  

There is nothing wrong with where I am in life.  I know that.  In fact, I have a level of happy that many people won't get to experience.  So why must I make myself feel like I should be better, or more financially successful?  

It's just one of the demons I fight in myself.  I have since I was in 4th grade when I got my very first B on a report card.  And it's something I'll continue to fight.  I'll probably head to the bed in a few minutes, crack open one of the new books I got for Christmas, and continue to feel sad and not quite good enough.  

Tomorrow when I get up, see the man I wake up next to, and get a hug from the children I teach...I'll be fine.  

And sometimes...fine is all you can ask for.  

And...even though I picked at my "not feeling good enough" wounds...I did do something nice for myself tonight.  I deactivated that facebook account so I can no longer pick at those hurts. And I'm proud of that.

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