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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tis the Season

Mood:  exhausted...happy

I had no idea it had been SOOOOOOOOOO long since I blogged.  Unacceptable.  

So without further ado, here's what's been going on in my life.

I'm still loving my job teaching preschool.  It's so fun!  Of course there are mornings (often) that I wake up and just want to pull the covers up for a few more hours...but that feeling is generally gone by the time morning snack rolls around.  I've been fighting colds (nothing major) and allergies since Iowa can't decide whether to be unseasonably warm or cold and just keeps walking the line between the two.  Those days, it usually takes a bit longer to remember that I'm not only lucky to have a job...but that I really do like it.  A lot.

The husband has just accepted a new job.  He's still working in IT...but not in the same capacity.  He'll finally be getting paid what he's worth (at least to the company...he's priceless to me!) and there is the opportunity for growth and career development which was severely lacking at his current position.  

We've been keeping quite busy as the holiday season came upon us.  Working, baking, grocery shopping (it feels like we go all the time!), sleeping, and spending time with the son.  We've had him since Wednesday night...and I couldn't love it more.  Spending this much time with him has to be the thing that I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Beyond that...we're navigating married life with a lot of laughs, some tears, and a very thankful attitude.  Yesterday we had a skype session with my parents so they could talk to (and see) Malcolm.  It was wonderful.  We knew Malcolm wouldn't understand what was happening...and that he wouldn't have the attention span to talk like we did...but it was still fantastic.  To not only talk to my parents...but see them laugh and smile and watch their movements.  

It's really the very small things in my life right now that are making me incredibly happy.  I can't describe the feeling of getting hugs and kisses from my students, or hearing Malcolm get excited at mastering identifying objects with Daddy and I.  Being able to physically see my parents as we caught up on each other's lives was something that seems so very insignificant...but when you're half a country means nothing less than bliss.  My last blog was about doing things daily to make me happy...and it's a practice I still maintain.

This blog is more about learning to live bliss and acknowledge those blessings I already have.  As the holiday season goes into full swing...I'm feeling incredibly blessed, lucky, and beyond happy to be living the life I am.  I hope you are able to feel the same!

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